Shoot For The Stars With Big Potato Games This Christmas


Good Morning Lovelies, 

In our house, games can become wild. I remember once playing on the Wii with my brother John, who is eight years older than me. When he lost, he threw the controller on the floor and went off sulking. There so, we have to start one with caution. Especially board games. 

However, when I was shown the brilliant new games coming out from Big Potato Games, including Chicken Vs Hotdog, Sounds Fishy and Shoot For The Stars, I got excited. These are the types of games that my family get invested in.

Kindly, the company gifted me them to try and after a lot of warnings, picture Tommy’s no fighting speech in Peaky Blinders, we gave them a go. Starting with Chicken Vs Hotdog. A bit like the bottle flipping challenge, this sees you bidding to take on challenges, in the hopes to turn over all your character cards first. 

Me and my mum took on this challenge together. With me being the hotdog and mum being the chicken, the game was a lot of fun. Perfect for parties during the festive season in fact. You could easily break this out on NYE, with friends or family members. Even using it as a different take on beer pong. Whilst playing, me and my mum instantly thought about my nephew Leo, as this is definitely up his street.

The next game we took on was Shoot For The Stars. Each player must become a member of the ship and guess the correct or nearest amount to a question asked on a card. Those who guess the highest become the captain of the ship, with others either become crew members or abandoning ship. All in the hopes to win the most star coins. When eight rounds have been played, the person with the most coins wins.

This game was a little confusing to begin with, but after a few rounds we all had the hang of it. It was really interesting to find out the answers to the questions and all my family enjoyed the game. It also got us talking days after playing at what we had discovered. 

Finally, the last game we played was Sounds Fishy. In a group, you each have either a red herring or one blue herring. Then a player will have to pick a card with a question on it. Placed on the back is the answer.

Yet, all players, apart from the one with the blue herring have to make up something fake, with the blue herring player being the only one to say the real answer. The guesser than has to decide who is lying and who is telling the truth to score points.

One for the whole family, this really got our creative juices flowing. And our competitive nature showing. We couldn’t stop once we started and definitely found this to be a fun game. Although, I’m not playing it with my brother again.

With so many games to choose from, these three new editions are stand outs for gifts this Christmas. I can’t wait to gather the whole family and my friends to play them again soon. To find out more about Big Potato Games, head to their website, where you will find the perfect game for you. 

Joey X

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