Redletterdays Have Created The Ultimate Gift For This Christmas


Good Morning Lovelies, 

When I went to The Big Christmas Press Show, I was amazed to discover the stories behind lots of different brands. Including the amazing, BuyAGift and Redletterdays, who work with a number of experiences and companies to deliver a brilliant voucher service. All of which are perfect for gifts. 

With Christmas coming up, they have made the ultimate present, with their Christmas Magic Gift Box. Featuring over 4,460 amazing experiences, the gift allows for the user to pick from a wide choice. Many made for two. Driving courses, meals out and once in a lifetime trips, mean that memories can be made with ease. Something that Christmas should be all about. Not the actual gift, but the memories. 

Priced at £99.99, it is definitely worth it. Upon receiving the gift box, I was amazed at how easy it was to set up. It was the choice of what to pick to do that was the hard part. From the get go, I knew I wanted to take my mum along with me, meaning I wanted to find a fun experience. Listed in different locations, I looked up those that are close to our home and the ones that are near to where my brother lives for when we go to visit him in November. 

Simply put in the codes from the pack and a few personal details, you find yourself instantly logged in and until you pick an experience, you can do this again and again. This means that you can explore without having to make a commitment straightaway. Perfect for someone like me who gets anxious about finding the right option for us, which will make us all happy.

I wanted to ensure that we could have a bonding moment that we would never forget. Right now, the winning ones seem to be a number of West End stage shows or a secret overnight trip to a hotel near to us. Weirdly, we have always wanted to just randomly pack up and go for a night in a hotel or cottage. Even if it is only just down the road. However, I am looking for one now that is a little further away, but easy to get to, which we can use to explore a new place when it is Christmas. 

I will write another post when we have done what experience we have chosen. For now though, I am keeping it a little bit of a secret. I can’t wait to go and do what we are doing however. It is going to be amazing and I can’t thank Redletterdays for giving me this opportunity. Christmas has truly come early for us and I am truly so grateful. 

To find out more about the amazing range they have to offer and the gift boxes created for Christmas, head to their website now. I promise you that you will not be disappointed. I am already thinking of gifting lots in the future now. It is a truly festive game changer!

Joey X

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