Bulletproof Series 2 Review


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Hey Lovelies,

After a hugely successful first season, Bulletproof starring Noel Clarke and Ashley Walters returns for a second outing on DVD and digitally from today. And you will not want to miss out on all the police action that this show packs in.

Fuelled by action and comedy, the series picks up a year after the first one. With Bishop getting by through a series of one-night stands and Pike handling family life, the two are in very different places to what they were before. However, it isn’t long before they are both drawn into the dangerous world of a crime family, which causes them to have to make the choice between good and evil.

Full to the brim with new characters, the series still feels as fresh and fun as the first one did. Clarke has taken his writing to a higher level to continue to give audiences a show that satisfies. With family, friendship, police chases and crime all hot topics, everything is covered. There isn’t a chance to breathe before you get to see the creative mind of Clarke come to life.

With the world in turmoil, it is a fresh and fun series to escape with. Clarke and co do what they can to make a series that is as enjoyable as it was the first time around again. You will laugh, sit on the edge of your seat and embrace the full worlds of Pike and Bishop just like you did the first time. Maybe just don’t copy some of the things they do.

4 Stars

Joey X

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