A Beautiful Day In The Neighbourhood Review


A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood: Much weirder, and better ...

Hey Lovelies, 

Tom Hanks is the dad, grandad, and ultimate hero that we all love. Whenever times are tough, he is there to provide us with the entertainment and kindness that we need. Whether that be in person or on the big screen. After releasing in the UK at the BFI Film Festival last year, A Beautiful Day In The Neighbourhood, finally makes its way onto DVD, Blu-Ray and digitally from today. And it is just what we need currently.

Set in 1998, hard focused magazine writer Lloyd Vogel (Matthew Rhys), is asked to interview the loved TV presenter Fred Rogers (Tom Hanks). However, as the pair continue to meet and discuss Rogers life, Vogel finds that it is actually his life that is being explored. Especially the dark moments involving his relationship with his dad (Chris Cooper), who left him when he was young.

Hanks couldn’t be a better person to play a figure who taught so many children how to be kind. Rogers was well-known for being a TV host who made sure the young viewers he enchanted daily knew how to be a decent human being. However, with such a smart script, Hanks is given the opportunity to provide audiences with a story that also spins all this around and shows how hard Rogers had to work for so many to accept him and his ways.

There is light continuously at the end of the tunnel in the script. Even when the darkest moments appear. Something that Matthew Rhys also excels at showing. Especially in the role of Vogel, who could have become a predictable journalist on-screen figure without the clever writing provided. He has a dark story with his father, yet finds another father figure in that of Rogers, in the depts of interviews and endless soft questioning.

The film is a healing process in itself. It makes you see the beauty in life, by learning how the characters are seeing themselves for the first time on screen. You take the comfort of Hanks, mix it with his great portrayal and end the viewing of the film with a smile on your face. Watching it in the morning will definitely leave you with a beautiful day.

Marking a pivotal moment in the film, Rogers asks for a minute’s silence to see and remember those that love you. In the world we live in at the moment, we all need to do this. Something that this clever film will remind you to do daily and delightfully. Wrapped up in a Tom Hanks hug of goodness and love.

4 Stars

Joey X

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