Mental Health Awareness Week: Five Foods I Have Fallen In Love Again Since Entering ED Recovery


Hey Lovelies,

When I entered recovery for my anorexia, never did I think that I would be eating some of the foods I am now again. I am nowhere near eating the foods I wish I could with comfort. But, as I have always said, slow and steady wins the race. Thankfully since leaving the hospital, I have managed to keep my journey going. I am trying to discover new meals and foods all the time. Something that has led me to discover some amazing brands, supermarkets, and foods. All important in helping my wellbeing journey.

I am in no way saying that the foods or companies listed below are for everyone. One thing I always say is that you must enjoy life your way. For me, it seems that is currently going back to the foods I enjoyed as a 90s child. Jam sandwiches, classic dinners, and warm milk. Oh yes, lots of warm milk.

However, if you are seeking some new ideas or just wondering what kind of things I am now trying and enjoying again, I thought I would share them with you. Soreen Loaf and all…

Fox's Biscuits Party Rings: After my lunch, which is my main meal of the day, I have now added in biscuits. Currently, I am loving Party Rings. They are so good! Having the two after my meal reminds me of when I used to go to school discos or birthday parties and enjoy them. It makes me so happy to think I will be able to enjoy them again with my family at events in the future.

Sunny-D Tangy Florida Juice: When I was younger, I loved the California flavour of these drinks, however sadly I can’t find it anywhere. For years, the orange bottle in the supermarket would catch my eye and I would so badly want it. Yet, I just could not do it. Until recently when I finally brought a bottle of it. Since then, I have been enjoying it every day with my breakfast. There is no stopping me now.

Soreen Malt Loaf: Whether it is the sliced or mini-pack lunchbox loaves, I am obsessed with this malty goodness. After my sandwich in the evening, I have one every day and I can’t get enough of them. On Tuesdays, we have hot pudding night and recently I have been breaking out the sliced version and having it with Sainsbury’s Fresh Custard. It is superb if I do say so and my mind has not stopped thanking me since we started having them.

New York Bakery Tomato & Herb Bagel Thins: One thing in my recovery that I have found is that I love plain things. Not to cut calories or anything, but I just crave plain items sometimes. Luckily, these bagels are so flavoursome that you do not really need a topping with them. Plus, they come with thick sundried tomato pieces in them too. I often have one with a side salad, especially when the sun is shining.

W.K Kellogg by Kids No Added Sugar Strawberry, Apple and Carrot Cereal: When I first spotted this in the cereal aisle, my anorexia told me no. I brought it, kept it in the cupboard for months and then finally had it. I adored it. So, I brought the other flavour, which I am still working on having. But I am proud of myself for enjoying this. It is going nowhere fast.

There are lots of other foods I am trying to challenge myself to lovelies and have succeeded in doing so. Never in my life did I think I would have chips again, but I have. Never did I think I would be thinking of ways to enjoy pasta again, but I do. I just have to keep going and I will get there. As I know many of you will too. We have got this lockdown weirdness and battle-winning lovelies. Just remember to keep swimming and that slow and steady wins the race.

Joey X

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