Love & Basketball Review


Good Morning Lovelies, 

Although many will have already seen Love & Basketball over the years, it’s new format brings out a different side to this classic love story. As two basketball lovers unite, their story provides a 00s classic to audiences around the world, which continues to stand the test of time. 

Years ago, the film created a bidding war when it come to those wanting to produce a feature that gave female players the chance to finally appear on screen. In a powerful way. Spike Lee won and so Love & Basketball became to be. Sparking a cult following, the feature is a powerful take on both classic and modern issues, as Monica and Quincy face many. 

The film and the issues it follows may not have worked so well back when it was first made. Yet, with it being re-released this year it does. You connect with the characters. You understand their wants and needs. You become a true support and arc for them. Something many films seek. 

A whole feature that becomes more and more powerful. Something not many can do. Something that has obviously led to its re-release. A successful one at that. 

4 Stars

Joey X

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