Classic School Dinners! What Was Your Favourite?


Gluten Free School Dinner Sponge Cake Recipe (dairy free, low FODMAP) 

Good Morning Lovelies,

It may seem strange, but since I started going through anorexia recovery, I have craved the foods of my childhood. From my mum’s fantastic home cooking to classic school dinners, I am learning to listen to what my body wants through the meals that essentially made me.

Something, which got me wondering about what people enjoyed when they picked off the school menu. A wide mix to say the least when I asked. Mince and mash. Savoury and sweet pies. Chocolate concrete. Pink custard. Oh, the list was endless.

Coming out of lockdown, it is these foods that we have come to cherish. We want simpler cuisine. We want to continue to cook good but bright meals at home still. We want to be able to be proud to pass on recipes to friends and family members.

There so, I am writing this post to launch a new series on the blog. Of course, Sunday Bakes will always be around, but it is morphing. It is becoming something new. I will now be helping myself and helping you with recipes of classic school dinner meals made easy. And affordable.

It will probably start with a bake, before easing into the classic dishes. Something that has got me super excited for when it comes to Christmas. Sorry, I know it is to early to mention, but I couldn’t help myself.

So, get ready lovelies to stand up and get cooking. Together we will be thinking of that familiar school bell once more! Oh, and don’t forget to keep sharing your favourite school dinners/lunches with me! Even packed lunch ones!

Joey X

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