I Made A Huge Milestone In My Anorexia Recovery Last Week...


More than a quarter of dinners out are at pubs 

Good Morning Lovelies, 

When I was younger and we had our caravan it was a weekly tradition to go to The Roaring Donkey! We would go to curry night, take friends and enjoy a great dish. Especially my dad, who would always tuck into a big breakfast, no matter what time of the day it was.

After five years, I made a huge step with my recovery last week and went out for a meal. I booked the table a week before and only told my mum. I know it may not seem like a big deal, but since then I have been scared. I didn’t know what I was going to do. But I didn’t want to not do it. I didn’t want my anorexia to win. 

A jacket potato may seem like a safe option, but it wasn’t to me. Letting someone else pick a potato. Not knowing the brand of beans. Being unsure what was in the salad but going with it. All steps that terrified me. But tonight I did it! And all to make not only my mum proud, but also myself, for not listening to Mrs A and her shit.

I know my dad would have been proud too and a lot of signs pointed to him today. The sun was shining and when we walked into the pub an Italian flag was right in front of us. That night was a huge victory and I celebrated by hitting up the 2p machines, where I won a few cheeky prizes aha!

I am super proud of all of you who are going through something tough right now and fighting it. I am here for you whenever you may need someone. No matter what time of the day it is! Simply message, email or comment below and I will be sure to reply. 

Love Always 

Joey X

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  1. Joey, thank you for sharing your journey and progress. I've also suffered from anorexia and bulimia and understand fully how difficult this step was. All I can say is that each step forward, no matter how small, is hugely worth it! You are inspiring yourself and others!
