One Year On! Five Things I Have Found To Help Since Lockdown Began


Good Morning Lovelies, 

Looking back, the past year has been one of many highs and lows. For lots of us. We have really been through it all, especially when it comes to dealing with a global pandemic. Now, as we face the anniversary of it, I have found that there has been lots to discover in our mad world. Some stuff being helpful. Others not so much. 

Since leaving hospital, I have been faced with lots of questionable situations. I have faced the ups and the downs. New experiences and ones I wish had never taken place. Yet, I have always tried to remain as positive as I can. A task that has been hard to do at times, I won’t lie. However, many of us, have managed to do it. 

Today, I thought I would focus on some of the things I have discovered have helped me with lockdown. It is not really certain what is going to happen in the next few months in the UK, but I do know that I will be continuing to follow these simple changes to get a more positive outlook daily: 

Take Time Away From Social Media and the News: At the start of lockdown  I couldn’t stop watching or reading the news. Yet, it really wasn’t healthy for me to do so. I would get so worked up and panic about what was happening. Deciding to take a step back from it has really helped me move on. I keep up to date but not as much. I take a break from Instagram every other day now and try to limit my screen time. I can’t advise doing this enough lovelies, as it really takes a lot of pressure off. 

Seek Help No Matter What: With doctors, dentists, mental health units and hospitals either closed or under pressure, it did feel and sometimes still does feel like we had no one to turn to. But I promise you, we do! If you need help, no matter what, please seek it. Call 111. Reach out to a local charity. Ask a volunteer to guide you. Reach out to friends, family members or even those on social media that are offering to help. Myself included. If ever you want to speak to someone lovelies, my comments, social media and email are open 24/7!

Start A New Hobby: Something I started doing when I left the hospital and lockdown began was writing a journal. Yes, I know it seems everyone is doing this, but I have found it such a great help in highlighting what has been a positive in my day, what I have planned for it or the next one and my weekly goals. In my journal, I also have a dedicated section for meals and sleep. These have helped me see my progress when it comes to my anorexia recovery a lot. I would definitely suggest a journal lovelies, but you could also discover a new hobby of your choice that brings you joy. Reading, writing, cooking and binge-watching the possibilities are endless.

Check In With People: Since lockdown began I have made sure to send a message, even if it is once a month, to those closest to me to see how they are. It is important that we all stick together during these strange times and I hope that by doing so, we can help each other stay happy and healthy.

Do What Makes You Happy: Okay, so we may not be able to do everything that makes us super happy right now. I am dying to get to the beach, But, do the little things daily that make you happy and it truly helps. Dance around your house. Sing your favourite song as long a you like. Get up early and watch the sunrise or head out for an evening walk and see the sunset. Any little thing that helps to bring a smile to your face is worth it. 

These are just a few simple things I do to help my mind stay well during lockdown lovelies. We have all done amazingly well this past year. Whether it has been helping others or ourselves, just by looking for the best in each day can make a huge change. One that I think will see us all come out of lockdown for the better. 

What have you all been doing to help stay well during lockdown lovelies? Share your tips with me! 

Joey X

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