The Disneyland Paris Bloggers Tag 2020


Hey Lovelies,

So many of us are unsure with what is happening in the world right now. We are still under a small lockdown system in the UK, yet it is all becoming a little bit confusing. During all of this though, I am continuing to look on the positive side of things and I hope to share this with you all. 

I am someone who likes to find out what fun others are up to. I know it may seem nosy but I just can’t help it aha! Because of all of this, I wanted to share a little bit of fun or what I hope is a little bit of fun with you all about me. 

As many of you know I am a huge Disneyland Paris fan! In fact, I am just a huge Disney fan in total. Each room in our house has something featuring the famous attraction and I can be found at least once a day listening or watching something from or on it. 

There so, I have decided to share with you all a little bit of a throwback. A little piece looking over my favourite things about Disneyland Paris and my experiences there…

What year did you first visit DLP and how old were you?
I first visited Disneyland Paris when I was 21 in 2016, so four years ago. I marked my 22nd birthday there and it was just a dream. I will honestly never forget the whole experience. Although, I will forget nearly missing the plane home.

Where is your first port of call when entering the Disneyland Park?
I have to try and get a picture of the beautiful pink hotel! Then it is off to find the first ride to explore. Normally I head to the Studios first and then delve into the magic of the main park later on when it gets a little bit of quiet.

Do you have a favourite ‘land’? If so why?
I really love the way in which Frontierland looks, with the Haunted Mansion and Thunder Mountain. I think it makes the whole Disney experience pop. Although, I do love Main Street as well and the look of the old fashioned shops with magically sound effects and lighting. 

Which ride could you ride over and over and never tire of?
Either Space Mountain, Twilight Tower of Terror or Thunder Mountain! I know that is three of them, but I honestly can’t get enough of each and every one of them. 

Disneyland Park or Walt Disney Studios Park?
I can’t pick! It is like choosing a favourite child! I love them both for very different reasons, features and rides.

What is a parade/show from any year that is most memorable to you?
The Christmas shows are always memorable to me, because they mark the time that I took my mum for her first experience of Disneyland. As well, the 25th Anniversary shows were amazing and experiencing the 14th July extra special fireworks show that year made my 22nd birthday! 

What do you think is the best attraction in the Walt Disney Studios park?
Hands down has to be the Twilight Tower of Terror! If you do any ride at all, do this one. It is a classic and I can’t get enough of it when I go. I get the scary feeling in my tummy each time I go on it, but I just love it.

Describe your happiest Disneyland Paris memory of all time.
Seeing the sign for the first time at Christmas with my mum. We came off the train when it was dark and came up to be faced with the bright lights of the Disneyland Paris sign. Also, experiencing the Disney Illuminations with her. Seeing her face light up under the castle will be something I never forget. 

What are your favourite things about Disneyland Paris lovelies? Let me know! I love to hear about everyone’s experiences, especially if you know of things to look out for that people don’t know about! 

Joey X

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