Happy Book Lovers Day! Here are My Favourite Page to Screen Adaptations


Image result for silver linings playbook

Hey Lovelies,

I don’t like to make New Year’s resolutions, but at the start of 2019, I made a promise to myself that I would read more. I adore the feeling of closing the last page on a really good book and the satisfying feeling it leaves you with. I also love reading a book before it is turned into a TV show or film, so I know what is going to happen to the characters. It is also to see how well they adapt it.

Some have been done amazingly well. Others not so much. However, I think when it comes down to it, there is a very big skill level to turning something so many love on paper into a film adaptation. To celebrate Book Lovers Day, I have gathered a few of my favourite page to screen features - which only includes what I have both read and watched - that I wanted to share with you all.

Silver Linings Playbook: Finishing the book, it instantly became one of my favourites. There so, the film had to be done just right. From the perfect casting to the little lines that made the book so perfect being included. I adore this adaptation in every way.

The Hunger Games Series: I made a promise to myself that I would not go to the cinema and see the first film until I finished the first book. I did it with two days to spare and have never regretted it since. I loved every bit of this series, both on paper and on-screen and will do forever I feel. Team Finnick and Peeta for life.

Bridget Jones Diary: Everyone in the world can relate to Bridget Jones in some way. Whether it is her crazy work ethic, mad friends or out there dating life, we are all a little bit Bridget. And the book to screen adaptation captures her perfectly, thanks to the amazing creators and Renee. Plus, the perfect just as he is Colin Firth as Mark Darcy.

Gone Girl: If you are looking for a book that you won’t be able to put down, then this is it. If you are looking for a film that captures that book in a fantastic way, then you will find it with this one. Every moment is thrilling, every aspect is gripping, and every trace is captured both on paper and on film. Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike give their best performances to date in this.

Me Before You: Whilst I know the film got a lot of debates going, I really enjoyed seeing the way in which Emilia Clarke captured the character and would love to see her return in the book's sequel. It may not be for all, but it is definitely worth a watch.

The Twilight Series: I won’t pretend here when I was a teenager these books were my life, so seeing them come out on the big screen was a yearly outing for me. They may be cheesy and not Oscar-worthy, but I love them for the joy that they brought me and I hope that for years to come others will enjoy them too.

What books have you read that have been made into films or TV shows that you have enjoyed lovelies? Let me know! 

Joey X

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