New Year, New Trailers! Sex Education, The Punisher and More Release First Looks


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Hey Lovelies,

We are now three days into 2019 and you may have noticed that I have changed a few things with the blog. For one, I have cut back a little on the number of posts. Don’t worry I won’t be disappearing, but I want to give you all better and more personal content and by not doing as many I can focus more on making the pieces really good.

One change I have decided to make is to change the usual clip posts to feature a few trailers that are new every day. If the film is new, then I will probably still make a new film post about it lovelies, but others will feature in special posts like this.

Today I have a new sneak peek from Netflix’s The Punisher, Sex Education and The LEGO Movie 2…

Blog Soon,
Joey X

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