Blood DVD Review


Good Morning Lovelies, 

Irish television is ever growing! From The Fall to Mrs Brown's Boys, there is now a whole host of goodness. And it is continuing to share these treats with new Irish drama Blood, starring Adrian Dunbar.

Following Dunbar’s Dr Jim Hogan, a local GP in a small town in Dublin, the series sees him having to come to terms with his wife’s death and the darkness it has left over his family. Especially the relationship he has with his daughter, who believes that her dad had something to do with her mum’s death.

Over the course of six episodes, the show builds and uses tension to keep audiences guessing in a way similar to The Fall and Broadchurch. There is no certainty or knowledge of who or what really happened and the guessing makes you keep watching right up until the last second. It is a creative script that tests the expectations of audiences through their highly rooted for casting.

Each member brings something to the small screen that other dramas have been lacking. There is a newness to them, mixed with Dunbar’s superb skill at making you enrapt in what he is doing as an actor.

This is a show that audiences will want to see more of, as the mysteries don’t stop. Even in the last few moments. TV like this is needed more at this time, as it fills every want or needs audiences have.

And so, I am giving the show…

4 Stars

Blog Soon, 
Joey X

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