The Early Films of Olivier Assayas DVD Reviews


Good Morning Lovelies, 

After the release of Clouds of Sils Maria, Olivier Assayas became a household name for many film lovers. His work has catapulted him into being someone to watch and with many films upcoming, Arrow Films have delighted us all by taking us back to the start!

For the first time in the UK, Disorder, and his second feature, Winter’s Child, have been released on Blu-ray and DVD to allow us all to enjoy them. And they don’t disappoint. Showing audiences where his creativity has come from or in this case always been, the once critic and screenwriter, remains as a great visual storyteller even in his early showcases.

Disorder follows a group of friends who are in a punk band, as they rob a music store, which ends up taking a fatal turn. Whilst, Winter’s Child looks at the lives of four people/two couples as they learn about love, loss, new life and the fragility of our emotions.

Both films do what his new features do – give a sense of pain so that audiences can learn how to handle their emotions. They feel real. They feel like something or people that you may have met. You know. And all of this accounts for them being so entertaining to see.

Whilst there are many moments that are tough going, both features will have you hooked in from start to finish. If you are a fan, you will not want to miss them and if you haven’t heard of the filmmaker before, this is a great place to start.

There is no disorder in these films and there so, I am giving them…

4 Stores

Blog Soon, 
Joey X  

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