I Feel Pretty DVD Review


Good Morning Lovelies, 

The first I ever heard of the film, I Feel Pretty, was when the trailer caused an eruption online for all the wrong reasons. Starring Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams, Busy Phillips and Aidy Byrant, the film portrays a story that has all the right intentions, but sadly fails to convey them in the right way.

When Renee (Schumer) suffers from a fall whilst at a spin class, she hits her head leading to her believing that she is her best self. With a new-found confidence, she decides to take on the world face everything she never did before. From partying, dating to hanging out with friends everything seems better to Renee.

However, for audiences it is uncomfortable. Schumer is stunning and this role feels like she has been let down by the directors (the writers behind hits such as Never Been Kissed), as it all seems so harsh. The story brings up everything that modern audiences struggle with, such as body image, power and confidence, yet it fails to make sure that when discussing them within this tone it brings a conclusion to them. Whilst trying to be funny, it all seems too heavy still and will only anger you as an audience member at how some of the jokes make light of the situations. Especially that of Schumer’s character.

Don’t get me wrong, they do try and bring some real laughs and succeed, mostly with Michelle Williams’ character, but they just can’t make what feels like such a raw topic light. People have done it and succeeded, but in a world where people are quick to defend their rights and messages (Netflix’s Insatiable is a similar story), the film doesn’t do anything to protect itself.

It takes the notions of many girl power/rom-com films and reuses them to try and convey a modern empowerment piece. But with Schumer unable to really let her hair down (something they really should have let her do, because her improve is brilliant!!) and just go for it, due to the script, and the story being so tough to discuss, it feels like the positive message it wants to scream out is nothing but a whisper.

There so, I am giving the film…

2 Stars

Blog Soon, 
Joey X 

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