Entebbe DVD Review


Good Morning Lovelies, 

When a film states that it is based on a real event, there is always the feeling that you want to know everything about the events before watching it. There are hours spent binging on content online and in books, which inevitably leads to you judging the film highly. Something that happened big time with Entebbe.

With Rosamund Pike and Daniel Bruhl taking on the lead roles, Entebbe captures the real-life story of a 1976 plane hacking by anti-Israel terrorists, who take over an Air France flight and lead it into Uganda’s Entebbe Airport, with everyone on board as their hostages. Looking at both sides of the story, with a focus on the couple and the Israeli government, the film works on breaking down everything that happened during 1976 in just 2 hours.

From the moment, the film begins everything is go, go, go. There is no stop and pause to allow the audience to reflect, but continuous streams of storylines and over the top actions by all of those within it. Something which leads to a very easy path of getting lost as a viewer.

Both Pike and Bruhl are compelling but their story – which is told through flashbacks and present matters – doesn’t allow for them to truly give their characters a proper arc. They often just fall into a stream of this is what is happening now and you must deal with it as an audience narrative.

It is sad to see a film, with such an original narrative behind it, fail to bring to life a story that could have been a learning curve for many. When it was first released it wasn’t given the chance to hook audiences in and sadly I don’t think it will do so on home release either. The main reason to view is to see Pike and Bruhl working their magic in fact.

There so, I am giving the film…

2 Stars

Blog Soon, 
Joey X 

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