The Death of Superman DVD Review


Good Morning Lovelies,

Superman is a figure that everyone likes in their own little way. Whether you love him for everything he stands for, the character or even to hate, there is a little admiration for the DC figure in everyone.

However, for many, The Death of Superman may seem like a film title that has gone a little too far. Yet, it is based on one of the best Superman stories ever created. As the superhero we all need, his life changes again when Lex Luther comes on the scene and threatens everything he knows about humanity and life on Earth.

As the pair battle for Gotham and Superman fights to restore peace, horrific superhero based consequences occur that leaves all those involved shocked.

If you have seen Batman Vs Superman, then this adaptation may be all too familiar. While there is beauty in the detail and in many ways truer to the comic book storyline, there isn’t anything fresh that we didn’t see in the live-action version. Yet, if you have stayed within the DC animated features then you are going to get the ride of your life.

Characters such as Superman are game changers when it comes to how we view the life and times of the members we grew up with. And many who won’t be expecting what happens will take this new feature hard.

Something that the DC animators should be proud of, as it is all down to their beautiful drawings and creations. The film feels old school, like a Saturday morning animation, but on a very high scale, which the whole family can sit down and watch. Even with a bowl of cereal!

Overall, the film is a joy to watch but mostly for the animations and not the story. Familiar to what has already been displayed in the live-action feature, it would have been better for the creators to have taken us on an adventure that hasn’t been adapted yet or explored as close as this. However, with artwork and animation levels at a superb level, it still works in drawing you in.

There so, I am giving it...

3 Stars

Blog Soon,
Joey X

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