I Know Who You Are Series One DVD Review


Good Morning Lovelies,

Nordic Noir TV has brought outs its latest cliff-hanger TV programme today in the form of I Know Who You Are! Out on DVD, Blu-ray and digitally, the show, which first aired on BBC Four in the UK, is a gripping Spanish thriller that will have you binge-watching in no time.

The show follows Juan Elias, played by Francesc Garrido, a criminal lawyer who wants to become the dean of the university he works for. However, when he finds himself unable to remember who he is after what he believes was an accident that left him injured, he is forced to deal with further issues.

The police believe he killed his niece on the night he lost his memory, but with no recollection of this, he must fight to prove his innocence or hide his guilt.

Made up of over 10 episodes, the show leaves you wanting to know what happened to the characters from the moment it begins until the moment it ends. It has a feel to it that is very much similar to the feeling many of us had when we first saw Homeland. You don’t know what certain characters are up to and Juan’s forgotten memory is an incredible plot loop.

The show makers have made a feature that will leave you wanting more when it ends. There is no such thing as an easy ending in Nordic Noir and this one has built up an incredible opening for further series to develop. Even if they don’t focus on these characters.

There so I am giving it…

4 Stars

Blog Soon,

Joey X

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