
Hey Lovelies, 

'Gravity' is a film literally out of this world! With amazing special features and superb acting, it presents a whole new outlook of the sci-fi genre that many have been afraid to show.

Copyright  of Warner Bros
Considering the features were shot in a studio, there will not be anyone, who will not be amazed at what they are witnessing and the scary thing is that this could happen at any time, and we are not aware of it until this film. It makes an interesting plot, because you are taking into a world of unexpected and new views of space that appear in your mind.

And well if we are focusing on the special features it is so incredible what the team behind it created on screen. It makes it believable and realistic to the point where all thoughts of a green screen leave your imagination, and replace them with what you believe as a real dilemma right in front of you. As well considering that actors are floating around in zero gravity for most of the film, just to be able to act during that makes it incredible.

No film has tried this to the extent of this film, or succeeded in such a way that guaranteed that anyone who saw the film would like it. It has set a new level of special effects that many film makers will now try to recreate, but I don't think it will be as special as it was in this film, just because of how real this one seemed.

One way that this happens is the incredible acting from Sandra Bullock! Taking on one of the most powerful female leads in recent years, she may not be in her element but she is the perfect person to play the role, and her undying emotion shines throughout making her despair seem real and heart wrenching at moments.

As for her co-star George Clooney, he is not the main focus on this film, which is an interest twist for a Clooney film. However he is needed when the speaking issue is talked about, as he is really the only character who encourages the talking. Apart from that he mainly allows you as a viewer to be put into the space (pardon the pun) around you, in a way to make you appreciate our planet and solar system.

When looking at the lack of dialogue though it is clever and comical, in a way that only Clooney and Bullock fans would be expecting from the pair. Clooney had rid himself of the ordinary image he gives himself in films to take on a comical side, tonne action and screen whereas Bullock appeared natural and real throughout her dialogue.

There is only one fault I can find with the film and that is the way in which it ends. While it is climatic and leaves you on the edge of your seat, it does end on a bit of a soft note, with an Oh element to it that is the end. For me I would have liked the scene to have continued a little bit longer in hopes to find out a little more about the characters and the aftermath of such a disaster. But really that is the only issue with the film!

Overall the film is a masterpiece that generations will watch on for years and years, to provide them with the fantastic special effects of cinema and how the film has changed cinema for life. Any Sci-fi film must now meet these effects to be as good as this film!

Therefore this film is floating in space with this…

5 Stars

Gravity on Blu-ray 3D™, Blu-ray™ and DVD. Out Now.
Blog Soon,
Joey X 

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