TV Post Updated: The White Queen!


Hello My Lovely's, 

So as I said ages ago I don't want to focus too much on TV shows on the blog. However I have recently got really into new BBC and Starz drama 'The White Queen', honestly I am obsessed and we are only 5 episodes in. It was really bad on holiday, as we were in a pub and I had to leave before it started otherwise I would have stayed there all night watching it, haha.

This is why I am so happy to share with everyone that the show is going to be released on DVD and Blu-ray from the 19th of August. With a 40 minutes runtime of special features, including a conversation with the author Philippa Gregory of the books the series is based on, I am going to be definitely spending my birthday money!

The show focuses on the lives of the 3 women who were caught up in the controversial war, which ruled England for years and their impending fates. Starring Rebecca Ferguson, Max Irons, James Frain, Janet McTeer, Aneurin Barnard and introducing Faye Marsay, the cast is very fitting to the storyline of the show.

I am not going to say much more about it but I just wanted to update everyone about what is on my latest watch list.

Until Next Time...
Joey xxx

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