Celebrate Burns Night With This Simple Scottish Tablet Recipe


Good Morning Lovelies, 

Today, in Scotland, it is officially Burns Night! A big celebration dedicated to the historical figure Robert Burns. As someone with Scottish blood, I felt like it was only right to mark the occasion with something Scottish and super sweet! 

This simple four ingredient tablet recipe will have you marking the festive occasion over and over again this year! Here is what to do…


  • 900g Caster Sugar
  • 250ml Whole Milk
  • 110g Butter
  • 397g Condensed Milk


13x9 Inch Baking Tin

Large Saucepan

Mixing Spoon

Wooden Mixing Spoon

Cooking Thermometer (Optional)



Start by greasing and lining a 13x9 inch baking tin. Place to one side whilst preparing the recipe. 

Add the sugar and the milk together in a large saucepan and mix over a medium heat setting until the sugar has melted. 

When the sugar has dissolved, add in the butter, allowing this to melt into the mixture. Then add in the condensed milk, stirring continuously. 

Raise the temperature and continue to mix until the mixture begins to boil. If you are using a thermometer, allow for it to get to around 120°c. 

Once your mixture has reached the desired temperature, remove from the heat and allow to set a little before beating the mixture with a wooden spoon. This may take a little while, yet, it is worth the dead arm! 

Pour the mixture into your tin when ready and spread it out using a spatula to reach all edges and corners. 

Leave the mixture to set for a couple of hours, however, it is normally best to leave it overnight. Once it is ready, you can cut it into bars or squares of your desired sizing or break it up to give it a more rustic effect. Then you can simply tuck in! 

Happy Burns Night lovelies! Will you be celebrating tonight? And what is your favourite thing about Scotland? 

Joey X

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