Save Money This January With My Simple Oat Milk Recipe


Good Morning Lovelies, 

With January nearly over, I am sure many of you who have been doing Veganary will be wondering if you should carry it on. As a vegetarian, I haven’t had meat in a long time. I don’t judge people that do and as someone with an eating disorder, I feel like you should eat whatever you want.   

One thing that I have noticed though as a vegetarian is the cost of meat free substitutes. Especially when it comes to milk. I drink skimmed milk, however, I know many vegetarians and vegans who drink plant based options. At a much higher rate. My neighbour, who we are very close to, has to buy her little boy oat milk. Having picked it up for her a few times, I’m often shocked at the cost of it. Yet, being a vegetarian or vegan doesn’t have to be that way.   Especially if you go down the homemade route! Whether you are a meat eater or not, this oat milk recipe will have you saving the pennies all year round…


  • 1 Cup of Rolled Oats 
  • 4 Cups of Water 
  • 1 to 2 Tablespoons of Maple Syrup, Honey, Vanilla Extract or Chocolate Flavouring


  • A Fine Sieve 
  • A Blender 
  • A Large Jug or Bowl 
  • A Spoon 
  • A Clean Bottle or Glass with a Lid


Using a fine sieve, start the process by ringing the oats under cold water. This will remove any starch preventing the oats from milk from going slimy.   

Place the oats with the water into a blender and turn it on to the highest setting for around 30 seconds until combined. Continue to do this until it is if it doesn’t do it first time round.   

When the mixture is combined, strain the milk using a very fine sieve over a large jug or bowl. This will help to remove the oat pulp from the milk. Use a spoon to extract more liquid from the oat pulp whilst sieving.   

If you are using a sweetener or flavouring, add the desired amount into the mixture and blend again quickly to combine.   

Once the milk is ready, pour into a clean glass or bottle with a secure lid. Then place into your fridge. The milk should keep for around three to four days. Before using it, make sure to shake it every time to prevent separation.   

And there you have it! Super simple, freezable and a whole lot cheaper! Winner winner!   

Joey X

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