Enjoy Good Friday With These Delicious Mini Eggs Cookies


Good Morning Lovelies,

Easter is finally upon us and with it comes lots of excitement and lots of chocolate! Whilst many of us will be delving into those incredible hollow eggs that have been capturing our attentions for months now, you may be seeking something more. Some Easter cookies perhaps? 

Super simple, quick and easy to make, these Mini Egg filled chocolate spread based bakes, will fill your home with even more chocolate goodness. Let the baking commence…


150g or One Cup of Plain Flour

240g or One Cup of Chocolate Spread

One Large Egg

One Pack of Mini Eggs


Two Baking Trays

Greaseproof Paper

Large Mixing Bowl

Two Tablespoons 

A Fork

Cooling Rack


Start by preheating your oven to 150(C). Then grease and line the two baking trays with greaseproof paper and place to one side. 

In a large mixing bowl, add all of the ingredients together and mix until a dough is formed and fully combined.

Either using your hands or a tablespoon, roll out the mixture into balls of the same size and place onto the trays. 

Carefully use a fork to press down onto the cookies to form their shape. Then place the Mini Eggs on top of each cookie, pressing gentle to make sure they are secure within the mixture.

Place into the oven and cook for eight minutes. Do not let them cook any longer, as they will loose their chewy texture.

Once baked, remove from the oven and leave on the trays for five minutes. Then place them on a cooling rack to cool completely or enjoy whilst warm. 

What is your favourite Easter chocolate? What eggs did you get? Let me know! 

Joey X

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