Love Pasta? Get Your Machine Out and Make This Two Ingredient Recipe


Good Morning Lovelies,

A few weeks ago, I shared with you all the exciting Italian Republican Day feature. Highlighting all the fab products on offer from Amazon, celebrating the beautiful country that means so much to me. As a special thank you, the team at Amazon sent me the pasta maker I featured, so I had to put it to the test. 

Small enough to store on my kitchen counter, I helped my mum make some delicious pasta for her to enjoy. Easy to create, with only a few ingredients needed, this is the recipe we followed and one that will make you love your machine:


  • Three Cups of Plain/All-Purpose Flour
  • Four Large Eggs


  • Clingfilm
  • Measuring Cups
  • Pasta Machine
  • Knife
  • Saucepan (For cooking)


On a clean surface, place the flour onto it and form into a mound shape. 

Crack all of the eggs into the centre of the mound, making a well, to help hold the eggs in. Lightly break the yolks with your hand, brining the flour into the centre of the well with your fingertips. Keep doing this, until all of the flour has been absorbed. 

Once the dough has started to form, bring it together with your palms and knead into a smooth yellow dough. If the dough seems a little dry, then you can add a splash of water to help bring it together. When ready, make into a ball, cover with cling film and place in the fridge for 30 minutes to allow it to rest. 

After the dough has rested, remove from the fridge and cut into four equal pieces. Take one piece and place into your machine. Cover the over sections with a damp towel to prevent it from drying out. 

Thread through the machine, making the desired shape you would like. Add a small amount of flour onto the pasta when finished to keep it fresh. Repeat with the three remaining segments of dough. 

Set the prepared pasta to one side and leave at room temperature to cook off or place into the fridge ready to cook later. 

When ready to eat it, simply boil and enjoy. 

My family are getting more and more in touch with their Italian side every day and I know this machine is going to help. What is your favourite pasta dish lovelies?

Joey X

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