Fancy A Jam Roly Poly? Try It As A Pale Ale Thanks To Aunt Bessie’s and Northern Monk


Good Morning Lovelies,

With summer on the horizon, the world of puddings is changing. Yet, one that always remains, come rain or shine, is the classic Jam Roly Poly. Perfect for all occasions, even more so a jubilee celebration, it is queen of the desserts in many ways. Even in the alcohol world. 

Joining forces with ale maker, Northern Monk, Morrisons has started stocking the Aunt Bessie’s Jam Roly Poly and Northern Monk Pale Ale. Priced at £3 a can, the ale is made up of plum, apricot, strawberry  and custard flavours, making a fruity drink that is sweet enough to bring back those old-school memories. 

As someone who doesn’t drink, I was a bit unsure how I was going to taste test this beauty. However, my regular taster, my mum Jane, took one for the team on a sunny afternoon. Just after our dinner, she opened the 440ml can, which had a really gorgeous cider like colour. Instantly both of us could smell the sweet essences of the drink and loved the way it really resembled the classic pudding. 

Taking her first sip, my mum instantly surprised me. Known for being a bit picky with her drinks, she smiled and stated it was delicious. Going in for the next sip quite quickly. Something I didn’t expect at all. Happily, my mum noted that she would definitely be being the drink again. Stocking up in fact after discovering that it could be a limited edition can. 

Whilst it may not be the cheapest of drinks around, it is the perfect ale to have as a special one. Perfect for any occasion, fit for all pudding lovers or those that may not even like puddings, it is great chilled and brilliant for summer. A drink that hits all the right notes in many ways. 

Find out more about it on the Morrisons website now lovelies, to discover what others are saying and to order your own can. My mum is currently looking for it again as we speak.

What pudding would you love to see collaborate with a drink? And let me know what you all think about the drink if you try it! 

Joey X

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