Blogmas Day Four: My Top Five Simple Tips To Make Present Buying Easier



Good Morning Lovelies,

With only a few weeks left to go until the big day, last-minute deliveries and present buying has commenced. When me and my mum went out earlier, the shops were filled with festive delights for the whole family.

Something that inspired me to think about what I do to make the whole experience easier. I normally begin getting or hiding presents in January, when the sales hit. A great thing to do lovely if you know what the person you are buying for will ask for again. From there, it means I can focus on one big main present when it comes to late October, early November. Making it a lot easier. Below are a few more things I do to help prepare for the big day...

Buy A Christmas Planner: This year I bought a planner. Made for the festive season, it allowed me to list present ideas, who I needed to buy for and sort a budget for each person. No unnecessary purchases needed.

Set A Finishing Date: Don’t leave it too late to buy what you need. With a whole world in lockdown practically, the delivery dates for parcels have been made. Set an earlier date to end the shop by and you can relax earlier without having to rush around.

Collect Santa Letters Early: I know children can change their mind or add items on. Yet, if you set a list deadline early, you have less of a risk of present changes needing to be made. No unwanted presents, no unwanted tears.

Don’t Forget The Little Things: It isn’t just the gift that makes up the present, but also the little things too. Look in the January or February sales for gift tags, cards, ribbon and wrapping paper. They can go down to stupidly small amounts.

Wait Until The Sales: I have to admit that I am someone who never knows what they want. Yet, when it comes to the sales I can go crazy. So, why not tell your loved ones that you are happy to wait and then sneakily you may be able to get more aha! Or give more! We always shop in the sales and I am already planning my mum and I going on a trip after Christmas. There is honestly no better time and money saving way to do it, so if you can wait, definitely do Lovelies!

There are so many more suggestions I could make, but these are the ones I follow a lot. Sales, saving and lists, my three perfect ways to save time and money. Meaning more time can be spent having fun!

What tips and tricks do you like to follow Lovelies? Let me know in the comments below!

Joey X

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