Blogmas Day Seven: My FriendsFestive 2021 Experience



Good Morning Lovelies, 

Many of you will know that I am a huge fan of Friends. Since I was a little girl and my dad would buy me the videos off of car boot sale stalls, I have been obsessed with the famous six. Especially at Christmas time! 

Two years ago, I booked tickets to go to Friends Festive in London. However, due to my condition, I was unable to go. This year though, it all changed. After booking the event again last year, I finally experienced the attraction at Truman’s Brewery in London and it was brilliant. 

Setting out early on the 25th November, thanksgiving in America, me and my mum headed to the venue to discover the real world of Friends. Arriving at the event, we were greeted by the familiar faces of the crew and some lovely members of staff, who told us how to get all the images from the day on our phones. 

We were then asked for our confirmed time to walk around the sets. Originally we were booked for 3pm, but after getting there at around 12:30pm, they said we could happily go in early. First you are met with some real replicas from the show and a timeline of events that the characters go through. A place where I learnt that Ben, if he was real, would be the same age as me! 

Moving around the room, you are then walked into the first set. Monica and Chandler’s apartment. Everything was just as you would imagine it would be. But made to fit a festive theme. The iconic tree in the window. The bags of presents that Rachel, Phoebe and Chandler find. However, the best addition was the iconic trifle that Rachel makes. And yes, it had all the layers. 

Once photos had been taken, both by staff and myself, we were then walked through the famous hallway, before heading into number 19. Joey and Chandler’s flat. 

Again, everything was placed like it is in the show. You could play a game on the football table. Sit in one of the fabulous chairs. Hug Hugsy and give the white dog statue a stroll if you fancied. There was no Baywatch on the TV however. 

From here, you are then taken into Central Perk. The perfect place to grab a coffee, tea or hot chocolate. You could even have a piece of cake show you a good time. All whilst having more photos taken at the counter or on the orange sofa. Something I was tempted to measure up and bring home. If only I could. 

Grabbing a quick drink with my mum and watching classic festive clips on a giant screen, we were soon replenished and ready to mark New Year’s Rockin Eve! Oh yes, the routine was ready to be taught to us. We could take to the stage even. Me and mum did take part in the video for it, which I have, but she has threatened to kick me out the house if I share it aha!

Once we had danced the afternoon away, taken a few snaps with the couch by the fountain, with our heads trapped in the door and by Phoebe’s bell, we then met a very famous festive animal. The holiday armadillo. A figure my mum, who has never seen friends, did not expect to see but loved. 

After all of this, we found ourselves in the gift shop, where I met and purchased my very own Hugsy. I mean, I couldn’t not come home with him. Seeing as my name was given to me because of the show. 

Overall the day was brilliant and I would definitely recommend going if you are fan. In fact, you would probably love it even if you weren’t. Whilst it is now over for this year, I am certain they will bring it back, so keep an eye out for tickets soon. 

Joey X

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