Don't Fall For Foul Play With This New After Dark Card Game


Good Morning Lovelies,

I love a card game. In fact, I love any kind of games. I believe it is the big kid in me. However, with lockdown having stopped people visiting, we don’t get to play them as much as I would like. Most of the time, they are now given a special place at Christmas. Yet, we changed this week.

Newly released by the After Dark Murder team, a new card game has been presented that will have you turning detective. Called Foul Play, the aim is to find the murderer without people thinking that it is you.

When I got the game and after reading the instructions it instantly reminded me of Cluedo, the ultimate murder mystery game that has been ruling the world for years. Yet, this is a lot harder. Simply by picking up the games within the pack to try and solve the clues, the game changes every time you play it.

To celebrate the game, I spoke to ADD NAME about why we should all be playing it…

Firstly, congratulations on the game! What inspired you to make a game like this?

Thanks so much! We're very proud of the game, and really pleased with how it's been received! Who would have thought that twelve months ago we'd be fully-fledged tabletop game producers! The game itself was created out of survival instinct! We run an events company and when the pandemic hit and the ensuing lockdowns meant that we could no longer go out and perform we realised we'd have to come up with an alternative source of income in order to get through to the other side. Most of the other event companies seemed to be focusing on online events, so there was the worry we'd get lost in the massive amount on offer, so we decided to come up with something different, and as we all loved games, Foul Play was created!

The game is like Cluedo when looking at the market. What makes Foul Play different from it?
Being a company that specialises in Murder Mystery events it was only natural that we would create a murder mystery game. Cluedo is clearly the market leader in that particular niche, but we never set out to pitch ourselves against Cluedo. It's a classic, and nothing could ever come close to matching its popularity in the genre. I'm actually a big fan myself and have a collection of over 30 different versions of the game. I don't think you can be a fan of the murder mystery genre without loving Cluedo at least a little bit! I think our game requires a little bit more detective work than Cluedo. It requires observation to match the evidence to the suspects, memory skills to work out which colour backed cards you've seen and a certain amount of logic and tactics too. Cluedo can be won by a couple of lucky guesses on the part of the player whereas Foul Play requires you to have all the evidence before you can solve the crime!

How can people become the ultimate Foul Play player? Have you got any spoilers or tips? 
Foul Play is as much about reading the other players as it is about reading the cards! Watch your opponents as they pick up cards and see if you can spot if they've grabbed the evidence so that you can nab it from them. Also, don't disregard the crime scene! It's a great place to hide suspects early on in the game so you know where they are for later on when you're finally trying to catch the killer. Keeping them in your hand means they might get stolen, but no-one looks at the red-backed cards in the crime scene early on in the game, especially if you're playing good cop.

Have you got any plans for more games in the future? If so, can you give us any insider news on them? 
We've definitely got the gamers bug! Due to the popularity of Foul Play we've decided to keep the table-top element of our company going long after the lockdowns have finished. We've already got the second edition of Foul Play based in Storybook Land, called Once Upon A Crime live on Kickstarter and it's already over 200% funded! Along with that we've currently got a brand new game in the works that lets you play as a murderer rather than a detective. It uses D'Arque Manor as the setting again (like Foul Play) but this time you'll get to meet those who dwell upstairs! The family rather than the servants. Finally, we've got a board game on the go as well. This one is a little bit special as our son got the board game bug too! Whilst we were playtesting Foul Play he created his own game and it's really good! So we've decided to get his game published too! It's all systems go! 

Finally, what character in the game is your favourite?
I've thought long and hard about this one and I can't decide on just one favourite! Olive is a firm favorite because she's just a great character, completely nuts and I can just imagine her in her great big kitchen arguing with her vegetables. Cillian Lynch is another favourite because of his back story. It's been a great deal of fun creating everyone's motives for murder and even more so with the new game adding a history to D'Arque Manor with all the interpersonal relationships to the suspects and family members. You'll get to meet Cillian's lover in the new game! Then finally there's Smother's the Butler. I have a special affinity for him because I always end up playing the butler in the live events we do, and he's always one of the best parts to play in a murder mystery show because everyone assumes the butler did it! But as Foul Play will teach you, that's not always true!

To find out more about the game, head to the team’s website. You will not be disappointed, I promise you lovelies! 

Joey X

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