A Little Life Update: Blogmas, Family Matters and Festive Fancies!


Hey Lovelies, 

Well, where do I start with this post! The past few days have passed in a bit of a blur. If you follow me on social media, you may already know this but if not I wanted to let you know. Recently my dad was admitted to hospital, after falling ill. 

After an incredible battle, he sadly passed away unexpectedly on Thursday. No one in my family saw it coming and because of Covid, we were unable to be with him. I am feeling raw. I am unbelievably sad. I don’t know what I am going to wake up like every day. Yet, I am using the power and strength my dad gave me to continue to fight my eating disorder and to stay strong. 

With everything that has been going on, I have found it a little hard to do anything creative. However, I am back now to tell you that after much debating, I will be doing Blogmas again this year. Getting festive and creative is going to be a huge help to my mental health. Even though I don’t really have a plan now, I will try to keep up with the days. I can’t promise that I will know what times posts will be going up though lovelies aha! 

I am so sorry for being a bit slack recently and I hope that you can forgive me. I am back now though for the whole of December and I have some competitions, gift ideas and more all lined up to share with you. Plus, some exciting personal festive posts, including special radio shows and reviews. 

Sit back and enjoy this advent style Blogmas of random, weird and festive fancies to end your 2020 on a hopeful high! 

Joey X

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