Doctor Sleep Review


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Hey Lovelies, 

Do you remember the first time you ever saw The Shining? I can. I was in sixth form and after coming home early one Friday lunchtime I decided to stick it on. Delving into the manic world of Stephen King and his characters I adore every second. I wanted to watch it again instantly.

Hearing that a sequel was due to come out in 2019 and now on DVD, Blu-Ray and digitally, excitement built. Focusing on the story of Danny Torrance, the young boy whose father goes on a rampage, the feature goes into what has happened since those days. Now residing in a psychiatric hospital, Danny has discovered he has a powerful gift. One that enables him to help the dead pass onto the other side.

Starring Ewan McGregor, the film has the powerhouses to give an epic sequel. Yet, it fails to make the same connection that the first feature did. Filled with characters who just don’t fit the realm in which the first feature included, such as vampires, the film reels off like a TV feature. It is a piece that could have been made better if it had been cut down and made into a short series in fact.

McGregor gives a convincing performance as an older Danny. It is sad that he hasn’t been able to flourish in the same way in which if it had been the first film, he would have been able to do. It is a strange pacing film too, as it would have been good for director Mike Flanagan to have completely removed himself from the world in which Stanley Kubrick made, instead of following on. Especially considering that King himself didn’t even like the feature.

Camera movements copy the first feature and the story tries too hard to follow its path. Flanagan is a director who knows how to do horror well. You only have to look at his Netflix features to see just how he can make them. Yet, it feels like he has let us down with this one. The only reason to watch is McGregor’s charming gifts on screen.

Fans of the first feature may want to turn away from this, as it doesn’t shine the same light. However, if you a serious horror film fan, then give it a chance.

3 Stars

Joey X

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