Five Simple Ways To Learn Something New This January


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Hey Lovelies, 

Things always seem to drag a bit in January, don’t you think? It is the awkward time after Christmas and New Year. It is when getting paid seems a long way away. Family members are still healing from the arguments that happened. We are all in a pickle after the cliff-hanger of an ending from Gavin & Stacey.

During the holidays, I had a bit of a mental breakdown on the ward. Coming into a new environment, meeting new people, leaving my family behind and not being allowed to go home was tough. However, right now I am seeming to get used to things. The routine falling into place. I am learning about my body, its needs and the way that my illness has really affected me. Something that I never thought 2020 would bring.

The start of a new year can mean a lot of things. One of them being the freedom to embrace an element you never have before. Taking the time to do even one simple thing can help your mind, spirit and soul in lots of ways. They can be good, personal or loving. They can be hard or easy. But ultimate they show us who we can or will be by December.

Below are five ways you can learn something new in 2020…

Learn A New Language for Free: There are so many websites and programmes to help you learn a language that it has never been easier. If you have little ones, it is always best to start them off young, as they can pick it up easier than adults. However, don’t let that put you off. Take a few minutes every day and even if you learn just one word, they will soon build up. Come the summer and your next holiday, you will be an expert.

Volunteer at A Local Charity/Centre: Giving up some of your free time to help someone will not only help them but you. Lots of people who work in local charities or centres have skills that you can learn from. Whether they can teach you about cooking, art or even what books are best, volunteering puts you amongst many different people who can teach you lots of new skills.

Redecorate Your Home: Out with the old and in with the new is something we all say when it comes to the new year. Look around your home and see if there is something you can upcycle or change. Maybe even redecorate a whole room. It doesn’t have to be a big job. Something as simple as a new lick of paint can make a huge difference. Looking online and on YouTube can help you get a feel for what you want and if you feel confident enough you could try out new skills and techniques by doing so. Just don’t get hurt if you are not sure if you can do the DIY jobs you see.

Go Back to School: Free online courses make it easier for you to head back to school now lovelies. You can do them in your own time and without having to worry about missing something due to a busy schedule. Applying these to a CV or even just using what you learn in everyday life can be so valuable.

Make A Weekly Self-Care Date: 2020 is going to be and I really believe this that we take more time for ourselves. Whether it be something as simple as a weekend night spent pampering ourselves or letting go of that thing we hate, making time for you is important. Keep a diary separate from your work or busy schedule and make it just about what you can do for you. I am sure you will feel amazing for doing so.

What are some of the ways you are learning something new in 2020 lovelies?

Joey X

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