Blogtober Day Three: Five Ways To Spend A Rainy Weekend


Image result for baking aesthetic

Hey Lovelies, 

Autumn brings with it all kinds of different weathers. Sometimes it can be sunny. Others it can be rainy. This leads to a whole host of problems when it comes to planning the weekend. It doesn’t have to be that way though.

With new fashion trends, boots and coats, can make it easy to go out and explore the wonders of the world. There is also the opportunity to stay in and snuggle up with a new project that you have been longing to start during the winter months. However, you like to spend it there are many ways to do lots over a rainy weekend.

For me, I like to have a little bit of a lie-in, before having a warm shower, putting on some cosy clothes and heading out to the shops or into our local area to see what is happening. All before coming home in the evening and snuggling up with Strictly on a Saturday night. Sundays are all about blogging and getting my home sorted for the week, before snuggling up again later in the day.

Yet, I also like to do a whole host of other things. Though it can be hard to do them all at once. This autumn I want to try and do as many as I can though. Here are just five ways that are perfect when looking for something to do when the weather outside isn’t very nice:

Baking: If you don’t find me outside or busy blogging, then you can be sure to find me baking in the kitchen. I adore baking for my family and giving them different recipes to try. Thinking about it all, I believe it is the science behind the items that inspired me to get cooking and I can’t wait to start making the comfort foods that come with Autumn. Grab the flour, sugar, butter and spices in your cupboards and get cooking lovelies. It will warm up not only your home but make it smell amazing too.

Reading: Picking up a good book and getting stuck in a new world is a dream. I have found it quite hard to pick up a book and concentrate for a long time, so now that I am able to I really value it. Right now, we are heading into award season and many films and TV shows are based on best-sellers. Get ahead of the screens and read up before the book is spoiled lovelies.

Head to the Cinema: Sitting down in a big cosy chair with a must-see feature is one way I like to spend my days in winter. The weather outside can do whatever it wants for the time in which I am in the cinema. My whole time is invested on the big screen in front of me. Joker is the one to watch this autumn lovelies, so make sure to book your tickets.

Discover a New Hobby: Knitting, origami or pottery, the options available when it comes to learning a new skill are endless. Without the need to go out, it could be a great time to learn a new language. Or to go back to school/college and pick up a new course. It could be a great time to volunteer somewhere and help out. Or head to a cooking and baking class, if you don’t feel confident enough to do them lovelies. YouTube is perfect for finding out how to do something from scratch and you can take it at your own pace. I do it a lot with origami and end up spending hours doing it without even noticing.

Camp Indoors: Whether you are an adult or looking for something to do with the little ones in your life, making an indoor campsite is the perfect way to spend a rainy weekend. Grab your spare sheets, pillows and blankets and make a fort in your living room. Spend all day in it doing whatever you fancy with whoever you fancy. PJs, snacks, films and a good book are all a must in your mini-site though.

How do you like to spend a rainy weekend lovelies? Autumn is a beautiful time to try these out and I am going to be spending tomorrow and Sunday doing quite a few of them. The indoor camp is about to begin!

Joey X 

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