Happy 25th Anniversary Friends! How The Show Changed My Life...


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Hey Lovelies, 

Today marks the 25th anniversary of what I believe to be one of the greatest TV shows of all time. I don’t know how I stumbled across Friends for the first time, but as soon as I saw it I loved it. I used to go to car boot sales and try to find all the videos when DVDs weren’t available. The one Christmas, I begged for the final season, after refusing to watch it until I could binge the lot. The year it ended, we managed to get the complete boxset on DVD for £20 and it still remains to be one of the best gifts I have ever received.

I remember though the way in which the finale was streamed across Times Square in New York and how the news captured the last few moments of a show that has touched us all. People lined the streets to watch it. Tears fell when Rachel got off the plane. Those lasting moments of them handing over the keys will forever stay with many of us.

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The show continues to inspire us all though. With Netflix airing the complete boxset, Comedy Central featuring episodes and binge-watching opportunities daily and yearly events, a new generation is falling for it. All whilst we continue to share our endless displays of affection for Rachel, Ross, Monica, Joey, Chandler and Phoebe.

To me, the show is a safe one. I don’t ever worry when watching it. A lot of TV at the moment can be quite triggering for me, as I work to get through my eating disorder. Friends, however, is a warm hug when I need it. I could start a new show and soon find my way back to it. Mostly because of the impact it has had on my life over the years. Here are five ways Friends has left its mark on my life…

The One with My Nickname: Joey Tribbiani sounds very much like my name. When I was at school some people realised this and soon, I was called Joey. I loved it and it has now stuck with me. I prefer it to my full name and if anyone asks, it is the one I give to them. I may not be as cool as Joey, but this JT is proud to be named after him. Even if I do have to tell people that I am a girl and not a boy a lot of the time.

The One with The Love Stories: I didn’t really take in friends being able to date until I watched Friends. I was very young when I started watching it and seeing Monica and Chandler fall in love was inspiring to me. I want to be Monica and Chandler is my favourite, so seeing the pair come together was pure perfection. Any future suitors, this is the level we need to be on!

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The One with The Wardrobe: 90s fashion was always a bit hit and miss. However, now Friends has inspired my wardrobe a lot. I have PJs, t-shirts, jumpers and even bedding featuring the famous six on it. I have mugs and candles the line my house. If Friends is on it, I will make damn sure that I somehow or someway get my hands on it. I’m still in pursuit of getting a yellow door frame at the moment.

The One with The Quotes: It is easy to remember quotes from TV shows or films that you love, however, Friends ones have stuck with me the most. Often, I find myself quoting it in my head or when watching. I love each episode for lots of different reasons, yet the ones in London create the best feeling for me. Especially with the way Joey shouts, “London Baby.” I can’t go or say London in my head or out loud without thinking about shouting it. I don’t though, as I think I may end up getting hurt if I did it all the time aha!

The One with The Help: TV is hard for me to sit and watch now. I struggle to find shows that feel okay or that are not going to lead me to feel anxious or worried when watching. Whilst I know Friends has moments that are not okay, it is also a series that I think because I have watched for so long, I feel safe in the hands of. I know what to expect. I know what the characters are like and I am okay with all of it. Every day I find myself watching at least one episode and it has helped me in more ways than one since my battle started.

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However, you are celebrating the show today, now is the perfect time to stick it on and party. Don’t worry, it won’t turn out like the birthdays in the show (Rachel’s 30th being one that comes to mind). It will be a fun affair with Chandler in a pink bunny outfit. Phoebe on guitar. Ross helping to pivot the furniture. Monica cooking up a storm. Joey providing acting tips and Rachel helping to style us all!

Happy 25th Anniversary Friends! Here is to the next 25 years and more!

Joey X

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