I Am Not Madame Bovary DVD Review


Good Morning Lovelies,

Having won some of the biggest film titles around, I Am Not Madame Bovary, is a Chinese comedy that has given a fresh look at the genre!

Following a woman named Li, the film sees her divorce her husband to beat the laws of China. Working together, Li and her ex-husband plan to buy a second home, something that is against the law unless they separate. Hence the divorce.

However, along the way things take a nasty turn and instead of Li hiring an estate agent, she ends up hiring friends to help her murder him. Not exactly the plan that they had in mind.

The film captures many moments that would normally make up a drama or a thriller and change them to fit the comedy look. And every part of it works. The hard hitting but also side splitting script highlights the changes Chinese cinema is making. Each filmmaker and scriptwriter have made sure that everything audiences may be expecting is broken down.

From hilarious moments where Li and her husband plan the scheme to a sad ending of realisation, the story is nowhere close to being finished for the lead character but one that will have audiences thinking. If a sequel was to happen it would be welcomed.

However, there is a problem with the film. Unlike other comedies in many ways, it is also doing something that should be forgotten. Trying to fit the Hollywood golden rule with comedies. If it had just been its own feature, it would have worked itself up into Oscar territory.

There so, this comedy greatness has earned itself this...

4 Stars

Blog Soon,
Joey X

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