Mad Beauty Have Made The Cutest Snow White Inspired Product Ever!


Good Morning Lovelies,

When I saw this product on Mad Beauty’s website the other day I instantly knew it had to be mentioned on the blog. It was a product that I instantly knew would brighten up any bag, car or space in which they would be on.

Featuring Sneezy from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, these cute new tissues are part of Mad Beauty’s continuing collection with Disney and they are so sweet. When open, the tissues seem fit for a princess with their fancy design and have I mentioned just how cute the packaging is?


Kindly the company sent me two packets and both me and my mum now have them in our bags. I think we are both now secretly hoping someone will ask us for a tissue so we can get them out to show everyone.

If you would like to grab a pack, please visit the Mad Beauty website here lovelies:

You have to admit they are the cutest, aren’t they?

Blog Soon,
Joey X

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