
Hey Lovelies, 

It is tag time and while I know this may be coming a little late in the day, I wanted to make sure you still got it, because this was a tag that got me thinking while writing it and I absolutely love how random it was to complete. 

I hope you all enjoy it lovelies…

1. What Is Your Dream Vacation? 
I would love to go to Rio de Janeiro, anywhere in the US, Canada, India, South Africa and the big cities of the world. I want to start exploring them as soon as possible, especially America so watch this space aha! 

2. Are You Spontaneous Or Do You Like To Plan Ahead?
I love to plan things, but one of my new year’s resolutions this year was to be more spontaneous, so I am trying to embrace doing things randomly, which I did the other day. I just spontaneously went to see 221B Baker Street, which was interesting aha! 

3. Tell Us One Thing You Want To Do But Don’t Dare Do It: 
I would love to do a sky dive, but due to my phobia of heights I can’t imagine doing it. I mean throwing yourself out of a plane?!? It isn’t logically but I really want to do it. 

4. What’s Your Biggest Phobia?
Probably heights, as I have been afraid of them for a long time. Or death, but I am not going to be all morbid on you aha! 

5. If You Were Stranded On A Desert Island-What Three Things Would You Want With You? (Not Including Your Laptop or Family)
I would take my iPod that had a never ending battery aha, so I could listen to my music to get my by. A book that I have been meaning to read but never have, meaning it would probably be a classic, maybe even the bible. And finally a phone with signal, so I could ring someone when I got bored of being on my own to come and save me aha. 

6. Name Three Things In Your Life That You Are Thankful For:
I am thankful for my family, who have been there for me a lot. I am also thankful for my friends who have taught me and helped shape me into my family and finally I am thankful for films! A great film can make things a lot better. 

7. What Was Your Nickname In Secondary/High School?
Joey! I got it in primary school and it has continued ever since, which I am so happy about aha! Joey T for the long haul aha!

8. If You Could Meet The President Of The United States, What Would You Say To Him?
Why are you so cool? Honestly he truly is! Have you seen the Buzzfeed video? 

9. If You Could Be Any Literary Character, Who Would You Be?
Well I get compared to Bridget Jones a lot, and while I don’t drink or smoke (Singing the song from ‘Grease’ as I type that) I would be happy to be her if I got a Mr Darcy in the end. 

10. What Is Your Favourite Quote?
I recently heard the quote “Be kind to those on the way up because you might meet them on the way down” and it has now become my favourite. 

And there we have it lovelies! This week’s tag was super fun to complete as it made me think a lot and I wanted to be able to provide you with a bit more knowledge about me. I know some of the items have been mentioned before, but I love the randomness of these questions and the way they make me think. 

Please take it and use on your own blogs lovelies and I will see you all next week with another tag!

Blog Soon, 
Joey X

To keep up to date with all the latest news from the blog, follow it on Twitter @LetsStartNow18 :)

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