
Hey Lovelies, 

The Monuments Men may be a moment that history will never forget but this film could be.

With one of the strongest casts in years, Clooney's film lacks the potential to be a great film through plot holes and unnecessary moments.

While it had an amazing background and plot to it, which will manage to get the story out there of the work that these men and women did for our art world, it seemed to be too focused on being a blockbuster, than getting the story out there.

It doesn't take the fact that the film is meant to be telling a real event seriously and instead focuses more on the fact that they have got an amazing cast. A cast that manages to make the events involved more of a joke than a serious matter.

And while the cast is so good, that it could easily fall back on that, especially the talented Mr Bill Murray who steals the limelight aware from Clooney and Damon multiple times in the film, it has that predictable feel to it that Clooney will come out on top instead of the other men, right from the start.

However stepping away from the bad elements of the film, the best bit about it naturally is the fact that this story is now out there for people to know about and I could only have been told in a film format. It is a piece of history that I think many people should be aware of and the decision to make and succeed makes this film key to why the film is a little bit success.

An element that seems a bit scarce is the fact that there isn't any women who help to save the art, like there was in real history. While Cate Blanchett gives a strong performance, she doesn’t have enough screen time to make an impact like the woman in history probably did and that shouldn’t have been missed out.

It seems like it is a film that has been made to try and get a voice out about the pieces of art that haven't been returned should be, as they don't deserve to have them instead of making a film which shows their heroics.

Overall the film is a good historical moment that will allow the untold tales of the men and woman to be said, but Clooney’s making causes the film to lack in certain places, so I am giving it…

3 Stars

Blog Soon,

Joey xxx

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