Some Little Images From A Day In The Capitol...


Hello My Lovely's, 

I have just found some little images from Friday and I wanted to share them with you because they are very cool.

We were treated to breakfast and lunch during our time there and on the table was these fantastic cakes...

Also involved in the day was a chance to get transformed into Effie Trinket by the wonderful make-up artist to the stars Emma White Turle. Her make up table was packed full of goodies allowing all the people who attended to be changed into the most fashionable member of the cast. I mean look at this...

I hope to get some images of people who got made into Effie on the day, as I have a very weird phobia of glitter, so was unable to have it done on the day. 

I hope you are enjoying hearing all about the day as I only have one more treat for you all but it is the big one! 

Until Next Time...
Joey xxx

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