The Great Gatsby EXCLUSIVE Moment Posters!


Hello My Lovely's,

So tonight is the final night of 'The Great Gatsby' week features and I wanted to share with you all some EXCLUSIVE moments posters!

These are very beautifully designed and considering the normal posters have caused a huge hype, these are about to cause something else! The posters show of the most beautifully designed moments in the film, in a very art deco style.

They are beautiful and I just had to share them with you all as I felt you all deserved to reign in their beauty as well.

Just before I show you the images I just wanted to remind you all that as I am going to see Beyonce tomorrow night, I will be posting the SONG OF THE WEEK TONIGHT! and will be talking about next week's theme in another post also.

So sorry for the distraction, here is the real reason you are here (To make the images larger click on them to present a slide show)...

Hope You Enjoyed Them :)

Until Next Time, 
Joey xxx

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