Why It Is Okay To Not Have Had The Best Start To The Year!
00:00:00Feeling like you haven’t had the greatest January? Don’t worry, I haven’t either! And that is completely okay lovelies! We have eleven more months to get through this year! Ones we can make lots better! Especially when we all come together to celebrate our highs and lows! Find out why it is okay to not have had the best start to the year here!
Good Morning Lovelies,
The week that marked Blue Monday I really hit a low regarding my mood. Nothing could cheers me up. To be completely honest, I felt so incredibly lonely and I woke up a number of mornings in tears. I just wanted to be with my mum the whole time. I know at 29 this may sound odd, yet, having suffered with a number of mental health issues, I feel my most calmest when with her.
January is well known for being a sad month, however, I normally am able to get myself through it. This month I really couldn’t though. I wanted to share this lovelies, as I wanted you all to know that it is perfectly fine to have a bad day, week or month. It’s okay to want to be surrounded by people who bring you a sense of calm. It’s okay to go to the doctor and ask for some advice or help.
My health has always been a cause of concern, especially since my ED and anxiety disorder kicked in. However, the past year has seen a number of health issues rise up too, from my sinuses to my stomach, which have left me upset, anxious and tired. These issues really came to be again this month, as all the appointments, new situations and woes sprung up on me. There so, I took myself to the doctor to get the help I needed.
Hating GP surgeries and hospitals, I am always in awe of myself for being able to go into them again, after spending months in one that left me with PTSD. I always try to follow their advice as best as I can and it can be draining at times I will admit. I think this is where the blues came from. As someone who just wants to be well, I feel like the battle is never ending at the moment. Something I am sure many of you feel too.
There so, I wanted you all to know that it is okay to not have had the best start of the new year. It’s okay if showering is the best thing you did all day. If reading one page of a book made you feel better. It’s okay if your dinner was simply a bowl of cornflakes. Everything is okay or it will be lovelies. January is one month that we will probably all forget about by September.
Please do go and see some advice lovelies if things are a bit too much right now though. This blog and myself are always here to provide a safe, open and honest place to talk about everything! Whether it be weeing in the shower or farting in public! I will hold your hand through it all. Together, we will get through this blue month and into the bright sunny spring!
Joey X