How Would I Really Like To Spend My Birthday? Find Out Here!


When it comes to a big birthday there is always an expectation to go all out! I have to admit that I am really feeling it at the moment! The pressure is something that often leaves me feeling sad, when I should just be enjoying the day! There so, I thought I would get everything off my chest about what I would like!

Good Morning Lovelies, 

In July, I will be turning thirty. An age I am actually looking forward to! For many years, I didn’t think I would make the end of my twenties. With so many health and life issues, I feel like the past decade has been a pressure cooker that I hope will release the real me inside during my thirties. The decade that I am calling the fuck it years! 

However, before I get there, I feel like I have to get a lot off my chest about the big day itself. I’ve struggled so much with people asking me how I am going to celebrate the day. Even after booking my dream trip to mark the occasion, I’ve still found myself upset and expecting more. Something I definitely need to work on. 

Since last year, I thought I wanted to have a massive party with my friends and family to mark the occasion. However, in all honesty, I actually don’t think anyone would come. Lots of my relatives and friends live far away and with work and life commitments, I completely understand that it isn’t easy to drop everything to come to our home. 

My biggest dream though, like the thing I would love the most, is for those closest to me to come and surprise me in Dublin. A fact that I could never ever ask people to do. Again, with the same issues mentioned above, as well as the addition of costs to do so, I wouldn’t dream of asking people to come, as I wouldn’t want to add pressure to them. It would be absolutely amazing if it happened though. 

However, I am also extremely happy to just be going to Dublin with my mum. I’ve started making plans to not leave The Temple Bar until it shuts on the 14th July! I want to dance the night away with my favourite people on Earth. Even if I wish the other most important people were with me. 

It feels nice though to get this off my chest and to speak honestly with you all. Sometimes you just need to let loose to do so. If any of you lovelies are going to be in Dublin on the 14th July come and find me at The Temple Bar! I will be sure to share a song and a dance with you all! 

Joey X

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