Celebrate Burns Night This Year With Macnairs!


Burns Night is nearly upon us and that means that it is time to celebrate! Grab the haggis, get the neeps and tatties ready and pour yourself a classic Scotch whiskey, all with the thanks of this new one from Macnairs, to really get the party started! Honestly, nothing will be able to beat it! I will say kilts are optional though lovelies!

Good Morning Lovelies, 

In our house, we have some fond memories of our time in Scotland. Our family has a deep history when it comes to the country and a rich heritage at that. When it comes to Burns Night, we definitely try to mark it in some way because of this. A celebration that has been made easier this year thanks to the incredible team at Macnairs

Known around the world for their amazing Scottish whiskeys, the team have been working with a combination of single malts from Islay and Speyside to make the most perfect 10-year-old blend called Lum Reek. Built to feature the wonderful Smokey tasks of the dram, it is full of historic emotions that make it perfect for Burns Night. 

Pouring a glass at the table, after your hearty meal, will not disappoint. Something we found when we put it to the test. Tipping ourself out a glass, we found a rich honey colour taking up space around the ice we placed it on. Giving it a quick stir, we were enchanted by the fragrance that was coming off the tipple that made us want to drink it. 

After a quick cheers, my mum was the first to take a sip, which she found to be truly enjoyable. Going back for another one, she said it was a truly beautiful scotch that would keep people warm on a cold night. A beautiful thing to think about with the winter months carrying on for a while. 

Macnairs have lots of fantastic tipples that will make your Burns Night extra special lovelies, whilst also becoming perfect Valentine’s Day gifts afterwards too. Take a look on their website to find out more and enjoy the best of the Scottish this Burns Night lovelies! 

Joey X

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