What Have I Been Watching During January 2025?


If my head isn’t in a book then you can be sure that it will be busy watching the latest TV releases! January is the best time to settle down with a cosy series that is easy to binge and luckily there have been plenty this month. Many that have hooked me in! Here are my top five must watch shows from January 2025!

Good Morning Lovelies, 

There is nothing more that I love than ending the day watching an epic new show on TV! January is the cosiest time, apart from Christmas, to grab a blanket, a cup of hot tea and don a fabulous pair of PJs, whilst snuggling up in front of the television. 

This month, I have been binging on a lot of shows to beat the cold and I wanted to share my top five with you lovelies…

Playing Nice: Starring James Norton, this show had me hooked from start to finish. I honestly don’t think I have ever hated a character more than I have done with one of the characters in this show. The ending makes sure that he is punished in a brutal but brilliant way! 

Nobody Wants This: I’m a little late to the party with this one, however, once I started I couldn’t stop watching. Finished in three days, this reconfirmed my love of love and Adam Brody. 

Pete Wicks: For Dogs Sake: I’ve been a big fan of Pete Wicks since I started listening to Staying Relevant. Knowing how much of an animal lover he is from the weekly shows, I loved seeing him interacting with the dogs in this. I really hope another series is ordered. 

Molly Mae: Behind It All: I won’t lie, I watched this because I am super nosey and wanted to be in on all the gossip that would come from it. However, I actually found it really interesting and enjoyable to watch, both with the known and unseen content in it. 

Love Island: All Stars: I’m a sucker for reality TV, so seeing some of my old faves return to the villa has had me enchanted each night! My love for Scott has gone nowhere fast aha! 

What has had you hooked to your screens recently lovelies? Give me your recommendations, as I am always on the hunt for a new watch to fall for! 

Joey X

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