Blogmas Day 21: Five Ways To Make Christmas Dinner Easier When Suffering From An ED
00:00:00Our Christmas dinner is very traditional, even with my eating disorder! I’ve had to work hard to get confident enough to eat it but both my mum and I plan it well. From plotting lists to preparing recipes early, here are a few things I do to help get through the meal that may help you if you are struggling right now too!
Good Morning Lovelies,
Battling an eating disorder over Christmas can be really tough. It is the season where food and drink are everywhere. From the turkey to the buffet dishes, the world goes nuts for the food that they will be enjoying and rightly so!
Having suffered with anorexia for years, I’ve really grown a thick skin now to tackling the issues it can bring. Believe me when I say that I wish I could get rid of this illness every day, just so I could eat and enjoy my life in peace, yet I’m working hard still to get there.
During all that work, especially at this time of year, I have discovered many ways to help me enjoy the main meal, which I wanted to share in hopes they can help you too. Here are just some of the things I do to get through it in a relaxed way…
Make A Meal Plan Before The Big Day: Way before the big day arrives, me and my mum will sit and make a meal plan, detailing everything that will make up our Christmas dinner. This helps to prepare me for what will be on my plate. We then go together to buy it to make sure we are both happy with everything. Knowing what to expect makes the cooking and dining easier.
Eat With Those You Feel Comfortable With: I hate eating in front of people. I will wait until my mum is done in the kitchen to even begin prepping my dinner. If she has needed to help me with cutting or cooking, then I ask her to leave it on the side, where I will then go and sort it a bit later on. However, astral Christmas, I want to be present at the table. Whether they are sat next to me or across, I find someone who I can eat comfortably with to be ear me to help distract me during the meal. My mum has become an expert at this!
Come Up With Distractions Or Diversions: Since I came home from the ED ward, I find meal times, especially with others hard. If it is a tricky meal, then I ask my mum to help distract me from the voice in my head. We play pass the parcel, snap crackers, listen to music, have a little gossip, discuss festive TV and give out silly little gifts to help distract me. Come up with your own distractions and let the people you feel comfortable knowing about them to help you with them. They soon become festive traditions that are super fun.
Dish Up Your Own Meal: Normally in our house, we would put all the veg in different bowls, with the meat or veggie option already on the plate. This makes me uncomfortable now, so me and my mum plate them up ourselves in the kitchen now. Don’t feel like you have to wait to plate up lovelies. Discuss with those around you that you would feel more comfortable dishing up beforehand. I am sure they will be happy to let you!
Eat What You Can And Be Proud Of Yourself: Don’t worry if you don’t eat as much or if you eat more than normal. Be proud of how well you have done! I often struggle with thinking I’ve eaten too much but then I think about the happiness it has brought my mum to enjoy a meal together and I feel so proud of myself. Think about stuff like this lovelies and tell that voice to fuck off.
Whatever you have to do to enjoy Christmas lovelies then do it! I and I hope the people around you will never judge you! In fact, you have our full support! You have got this lovelies and I am so proud of you no matter what!
Joey X