Efamol’s Evening Primrose Oil Is A Dream!


With all my recent tests and health issues, I have been seeking the best options for my health! As a woman, I’ve discovered some of the biggest benefits that can come from Evening Primrose Oil. So, I was hugely grateful for the wonderful supplement that landed on my desk from Efamol! Find out exactly what I thought about the wonder oil right here!

Good Morning Lovelies, 

As many of you know, I am currently going through a big issue regarding my health, which has left me stressed out a lot. All of which causing my hormones to be all over the place! This has led to my skin and body taking a bit of a battering, which has further upset me. So, I am trying to find the best things to help boost my self esteem and health again. 

Upon hearing about the benefits on the female body from Evening Primrose Oil, I was super excited when Efamol got in touch asking if I would like to sample their dropper version of the supplement. Made to be taken to help build nourished and smooth skin, the oil is unique to Efamol as it contains 33% more Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acid Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) than the standard kinds on the market. 

The seeds are extracted from the most perfectly grown plants in the Netherlands and New Zealand, where they have been sewn from for the past 40 years with the utmost care to make sure that they stay as pure as can be. Something that has encourage over 82% of users to report back that they have got smoother, more nourished skin then ever. A fact that they can keep up for a long time, as the oil has been certified as safe to do so. 

Having read the instructions, I was eager to see how the oil would help me. Advised to take with either food or drinks, the oil is dropped into your mouth to enjoy. At first, the product stated to take only 1ml, before suggesting upping it as time goes on. I stuck with the advised dose and have continued to do so for the past few weeks. 

My skin before using was going through a rough patch, yet with this product, I have seen a big difference. The small spots around my nose have gone, highlighting that my hormones have really settled down. I had a glow back that I had lost and I felt a lot more alert than before. 

I didn’t think that evening primrose oil was a product for me just yet. However, my mind has completely changed. There is a benefit in it for everyone and Efamol has definitely provided it in its safest form. I didn’t feel worried taking this and was left with no aftertastes or effects. Only those that benefited me! 

I hope that the company go on to make even more fantastic oils and solutions to help us. Especially an iron one, which I would be really interested in! I loved the ease of this product and the difference it made. My skin is the best it has been in a while and the oil is to thank for it. Plus, with not much needed to make a change, it is a hugely cost saving way to make a beauty hero in your life out of. 

To find out how you can get your hands on the oil or for more details, head to the Efamol website now lovelies, as they have tons of advice to help you out! I promise you won’t regret getting your hands on this stuff! 

Joey X

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