Five Ways To Spend A Long Journey To Make It Easier!
00:00:00Being on public transport for a long time can be really boring! So, finding things to do is very important! For me, I like to grab a magazine, pop on a playlist or podcast and try to zone the hours away. However, this doesn’t work for everyone. So, I’ve come up with five ways that can maybe help you pass the time away!
Good Morning Lovelies,
I was meant to be heading off on a four hour journey today lovelies, as I was finally due to be going away. However, my health has put a stop to this. So, instead I’m heading off on a long trip to the hospital this afternoon. Whilst I’m mostly anxious about it all, I’m also dreading the journey today. Honestly, I find it so so boring, as I keep wishing that I was there already and not on a bus for over an hour.
Plus, when you suffer from certain mental health issues it can be hard to stop your brain telling you things. Mine likes to tell me that I’m being lazy just idling around on a train or bus. There so, I have to do things that distract me!
Things that I thought I would share with you all, as they may make any journeys you have planned easier…
Read A Book or Magazine: Whether it is on your iPad or an actual physical copy, grab a magazine or book and get really stuck in. When you have hours to do what you like, the book you always meant to start can be. Plus, if it is a short novel, you may even finish it before the end of your journey.
Catch Up on Some TV or Films: Have you been meaning to catch up on that show that everyone has been watching? Missed that must-see film? Well, now with hours to spare, you can delve right in. Last time I went on a big journey, I binged all of the new Bluey episodes. Honestly, I love coming away with something I can discuss with my travel partner whilst away.
Get A Travel Puzzle Book: Even when I am at home, I like to do travel puzzles. Not only do they motivate the brain, they help the hours pass easily. Plus, if you are travelling with someone you can do the together. I used to do the Metro puzzles every morning with my friend Amy when we commuted to London together. It was the highlight of my day.
Interview Your Travel Buddy: When was the last time you asked your nearest and dearest all the questions you want answering? Spend this time reconnecting. Suggest writing down questions before you head off and then ask them as you go. Just don’t ask or start an argument, as this could make the holiday a bit worrisome.
Start A Journal: Begin your holiday by starting a travel journal on your journey. Then keep it up to date each morning or evening whilst away. A journal will allow you to look back at your holiday for years to come.
How do you like to spend the time you have when travelling? What do you do to distract yourself? Let me know, as I will definitely need your ideas today!
Joey X