Get Zingy This Summer With Tracklements New Sauce


It’s officially BBQ season and that calls for hot, sizzling, burgers, fresh off of the grill! However, sometimes it isn’t all about the meat, but the added elements that go with it! Especially the sauce, which Tracklements has absolutely nailed this year! Turn up the heat, get those juicy burgers cooked and pour this all over to take your BBQ to exciting heights!

Good Morning Lovelies, 

In our house, we were brought up on friends and family BBQs! Whether they be when we were little, when we would go to my mum’s best friend Janice’s house or family run ones at our home, the smell of a BBQ just screams summer. However, for me, the summer food season wasn’t about the meat, but the sides and sauces instead. 

When we would go to Janice’s house, I remember devouring her super buttery little potatoes all night. They were just perfect! As I got older, I remember the crisp salads covered in ranch sauce with bacon pieces and croutons. I can recall the feeling of finding the best sauces to go in a burger, with BBQ or mayonnaise often coming out on top. 

However, over the years, we haven’t held as many. Yet, that hasn’t stopped us getting involved, with my mum loving a good old fashioned burger at home. Whether it be a lamb, southern fried chicken or classic beef creation, she loves them. And each one is topped with a different sauce. There so, when Tracklements contacted me to ask if I would like to try their new Zingy Burger Sauce, I happily said yes, as I knew that it could just be my mum’s new favourite thing! 

Upon arriving at our house, the special edition sauce was carefully wrapped. Peeling back the layers, you could see the freshly made sauce was going to be full of flavour. The herbs were clear for all to view. The tomatoes looked like they had just been pressed. When popping it open, the smell was like something from an Italian kitchen. 

Deciding to test it with a classic beef burger, my mum headed into the kitchen to grill up a cheeseburger to end all cheeseburgers, alongside some potato wedges. Popping them into the oven, she left them to get hot and ready to allow the ultimate dish to try the sauce with. Serving it up, she opened the bottle and added a dollop onto the burger before popping the bun on top. She then splashed it all over the wedges too before heading to the table to tuck in. 

Picking up the burger, the sauce was visible throughout. The smell of it surrounding the air. Taking her first bite of the dish, my mum stayed silent for a few moments before giving off a little groan of happiness. When she was able to talk, she stated that it was gorgeous and really light but zingy too. The sauce gave off the right amount of spice without burning your mouth away she continued. 

This experience made her super excited to trial the sauce on the chips next. Scooping up one with quite a bit of sauce on it, she happily tucked in. Again she said the slice was just right. Especially when it came to the already coated wedges. Giving off that extra kick, she found that the flavours worked perfectly on the potatoes, elevating them to new heights. She even suggested that the sauce would be great on a jacket potato or a burrito. 

Overall, the Tracklements Zingy Burger Sauce, was a huge hit! Since she opened it, my mum hasn’t stopped finding dishes to add it to. I fear what the outcome may be when it is all gone, as I know that no burger in our house will be the same without! It was a massive marvel in our house and I hope you can all enjoy it too soon lovelies! 

Joey X

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