A Scottish Highland Hideaway Book Review


Fancy a trip to Scotland? Well, now is your chance to without spending a lot! Plus, you will get a love affair, heartfelt moments of pure joy and wonder, as well as some of the best summer sun you could ever imagine! Okay, so I can’t promise all of that, however, I can promise it in the new fantastic book from Julie Shackman!

Good Morning Lovelies, 

A few weeks ago, I was sent a manuscript, beautifully bound but not completely finished. Within the pages binding together, I found myself wrapped up in the seventh book in the Scottish Escapes series by Julie Shackman and I absolutely loved it! For me, a romance book is the best and this one is full of pure love. 

Over the course of 384 pages, A Scottish Highland Hideaway, delves into the world of florist Bailey McArthur, who loves to spend time roaming around the small but beautiful town of Heather Moore. Residing alongside her family, who mean everything to her, she finds herself trying to rebuild her life, after she is left at the alter at the beginning of the book. 

Known as a bit of a star, due to her floral creations, she tries to remove any knowledge of what happened on the day. However, it isn’t so easy when a journalist appears in town, asking after a famous actor. Zach Stern is a man who doesn’t back down for anyone or anything, especially Bailey, who tries many times to throw him off his path. 

Even her best efforts and some of the funniest moments in the book can’t stop him, leading to an enemies to lovers type story, as she finds herself falling for him. A secret she decides to keep to herself. Yet, as the book unravels, it seems she isn’t the only one keeping secrets either. 

I loved the ease of this book. Reading it in my cosy nook, whilst the sun shone in, made the magic of the highlands come to life. I could picture the settings. I could feel the raw emotions and love within the pages. I sensed how much passion Shackman had for the characters and their stories. Each one felt like a friend. A person you could really meet. 

There were times when the story would really pull at your heart. Then there were times where you were laughing out loud or holding your heart in love. It was a romantic feel good read from start to end that is suitable for all ages. As a teenager, I would have dreamed of finding love in Scotland. As I am now, I wanted to go travelling because of it, staying in a little hideaway. Whilst as an older reader, I feel like I could appreciate the beauty within the creative writing. 

Shackman has made a book that she should be so proud of. I know for a fact that come August, when it is finally released in shops, I will be adding it into my library choices to have it out on display. Everyone deserves a chance to read this little slice of Scottish heaven. Make it your next read lovelies as soon as you can! 

Joey X

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