Happy 62nd Birthday Mother!


Happy Birthday Mum! Today, I am celebrating all things to do with the woman, who is the biggest influence in my life. I’m so proud to call her my mum and her birthday will always be a big event! It’s truly time to celebrate her and her wonderful ways on the blog! So, grab a slice of cake and get ready to party!

Good Morning Lovelies, 

The 21st June marks one of the best days of the year in our family! It is my mum’s birthday, which always calls for a big celebration. Since last year’s big day, she has been through so much. However, she has continuously support us, keeping her head held high even through the hardest of times. 

I’ve seen her face abuse and hardships that I have been left traumatised by. Yet, she tells me daily that I can’t let them win. That I must get up and show them that they have not won. She showed me this resilience strongly, when she recently left her job after 33 years. 

Not one to let someone bully her, she stood up to them by going for her dream. At 62 years of age, she has finally become the nursery nurse that she has always wanted to be. And she is loving it! Every day, she comes home with a smile and a story that makes her laugh. A fact that makes me so happy! 

Watching her celebrate her birthday with her best friends, enjoying good food and drinks makes me so glad, as I’ve seen her make new connections, building bonds that will last a lifetime. 

Every year, her birthday just means so much to me. They mark another year of love, care and spending time together. My mum is my carer and she honestly never stops looking after me. Even when I’m stood in a random place, crying my heart out in fear, she just knows what to say or do to calm me down. I love every inch of her and know that I will never be able to give her enough back to thank her. 

As I write this, I’m making her a surprise breakfast, with a cup of steaming hot coffee to start her day before she goes off to party at work. I’m going to see her go with pride in my heart that I get to call her my mum. I hope that she knows how much she is loved and not just by me but many. 

Happy Birthday Mother! I love you to infinity and beyond. Please never change being so amazing, because we are all so proud of you! Dad is looking down on you with true pride, just like we all look at you! 

Today, to mark the event, I would love you to just say thank you to your mum or to the mother figure I. Your life! I’m sure that it will be just like a birthday present to them all! Oh, and I also want you to enjoy a good slice of birthday cake too! 

Joey X

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