Get Ready To Cause A Cocktail Stir With These Recipe Cards From Simon & Schuster!


Getting ready to host your first party of the summer season? A bit stuck on what drinks to serve at the event? The creative minds at Simon & Schuster have made something to help you provide the best drinks in town! Especially if you are a fan of either rum or tequila! The party is about to begin with these fabulous recipe cards!

Good Morning Lovelies, 

Summer is now fully in its height and that means BBQ, party and summer festivals season has begun or us about to. If you are hosting a big event this summer it can be hard though. Especially if you want to serve guests with a new signature drink that they won’t ever forget. 

However, the creative minds at Simon & Schuster have commissioned the creation of Rum and Tequila Cocktail Cards that feature recipes starting with every letter of the alphabet. From Rum Swiss,Ed to the classic Piña Colada, the cards allow you to experience new and inventive creations that you can definitely serve up u dear the hot sun. Even if it is only for yourself whilst you relax in the garden. 

Kindly, I was gifted the cards, along with the tequila ones to try. As soon as they arrived, we put them to the test. Automatically, I was transported back to my childhood, when I would stand in our holiday caravan’s kitchen, with my best friend Dee, making potions from all the squashes we had in our caravans. 

Stirring, spinning, and mixing up the alcoholic versions of those potions was a true joy. It was like a science experiment was taking place. As someone who doesn’t drink, it was also quite fun to play barmaid. I loved seeing the drinks come to life, as my mum taste tested them. 

Using both the rum and tequila cards, we found new ideas that my mum said she would be recreating throughout the summer. She was also reminded of a few classics that she loved to, which means that I will definitely be seeing the Malibu bottle out a bit more this season I think. 

What I really liked about the cards was how perfect they would be to leave out at an event for guests to come and pick from. Sometimes it is really hard to know what to serve, yet, with these cards they can get that special touch, whilst also making the job easier for you. Plus, they don’t take up much space either. 

Overall, we were really impressed by what we found and I can’t wait to whip the cards out this summer. We used more of the rum based ones than the tequila, however, I know when other family members come round they will be out more. Simon & Schuster have made your next dinner, BBQ or big event easier, more fun and very exciting with these fantastic products! 

Joey X

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